Solving Problems

Synchronization issues

In case of any errors during sync process Warning Sign will appear near sync button on the bottom toolbar. Tap on it to read error message.

Action failed with message ‘0’ usually means authorization problems. To resolve the problem you need to tap Fix Authorization button on account preferences page.

Device doesn’t sync with other device: devices can’t sync directly with each other, they all sync with Google Servers. Please see below how to resolve problems with Google Servers.

Device doesn’t sync with Google Servers

Tasks Data (title, due date, notes) differs from online: try to change some of Tasks fields and sync again.

If error messages (400, 500) constantly appear during sync the suggestion is to wait a little bit and try to sync again. If the problem won’t go away, then you should try to refresh authentication for the problem account. To do that tap Fix Authorization button on account preferences page.


You might need to enable badges and alerts in Notification Center inside on your device.

Completed list

To move tasks to Completed list you need to Clear completed tasks. To do that tap Trash icon with checkmark above it on the tasks page.

To restore Task simply uncheck it.

How to:

  • Indent Tasks: swipe on Task to the left or to the right
  • Delete Tasks: tap and hold on Task to access menu, then choose Delete
  • Email Tasks: tap and hold on Task to access menu, then choose Share
  • Hide local account: delete all  lists inside it, so it won’t be shown on “All accounts” page.

For more information please take a look at how to use section.

iPhone/iPad manager for Google Tasks